The Theory of Backgammon
New Backgammon Book Just Released
December 7, 2021 – by Michael Strato – Editor IBGDB.com
Dirk Schiemann of Germany, G1 Grand Master, has started shipping his recently published backgammon book titled “The Theory of Backgammon”.
When I spoke to Dirk more than a month ago, he told me his backgammon book would soon go to press and would be available for purchase in early December. He was right on time!
So right then and there, and since I am mentioned in his book, I wanted to get myself a copy before it sold out and so I immediately pre-ordered and paid for mine, inadvertently becoming the first person to buy a copy.
What an honour! Pura Vida Dirk!

Dirk Schiemann plays in the Million Dollar Backgammon event at the Atlantis Resort in The Bahamas, 2007.
As the Editor of a couple of Backgammon magazines over the years (such as GammonLife.com), I have followed Dirk Schiemann as a backgammon player since I met him more than two decades ago when I was reporting from live backgammon tournaments in Europe.
Dirk has a long list of major tournaments wins and was the #3 Giant of Backgammon of the world in 2003. I have a lot of admiration and respect for his backgammon skills and level of knowledge on the game.
Dirk Schiemann announced on Facebook today:
“First shipment of the “The Theory of Backgammon”. I am happy to announce that all the preordered copies have either arrived or are on their way to their new owners. Now that I have the books at my place I am able to ship them the next day after receiving payment.”
You can order Dirk’s new book here: https://dirk-schiemann.de/book-order.html it makes for an indelible holiday gift memory for a backgammon friend, or even yourself!
The book has 356 pages. See its amazing Contents section at the PDF download link on Dirk Schiemann’s website here: https://dirk-schiemann.de/download/content.pdf
Dirk Schiemann’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/dirk.schiemann.79
What Top Players are Saying about The Theory of Backgammon.
About Backgammon aficionados that play in live tournaments around the world
The Internet Backgammon Database (IBGDB) was created in December of 2006 and is a growing collection of profiles of Backgammon players that compete in live tournaments. These tournaments are held by a number of backgammon player associations, federations and event organizers, and are run by an experienced staff headed by a Tournament Director.
Anyone who has played in a live tournament may submit their answers to our Questionnaire and we will published your profile page in the Profiles Section.
If you play only online backgammon, such as free Internet backgammon, or in online backgammon tournaments, and you have never travelled to a live venue to play in person on a real backgammon board, sorry, you should not submit your profile.
You can easily find the name of a player on IBGDB.com by using the Search feature atop the SideBar Menu on the right.
Live backgammon tournaments are played in many cities around the world, under many different titles, such as the World Backgammon Championships held annually in Monte Carlo, Monaco for more than 40 years now.
The list is long; Gibraltar Championship, International Istanbul Open, Nordic Open, Japan Open, American Backgammon Tour, British Open, Cyprus Merit Open, Czech Open, and national and international championships in Austria, France, Greece, Italy, Costa Rica and so many other nations.
Backgammon player associations, leagues and federations run national and international events in their countries. The Danish Backgammon Federation (DBgF) and the Japanese Backgammon League (JBL) are just two examples. A leading international tournament organizer is the Worldwide Backgammon Federation (WBF), whose various annual tournaments have enjoyed immense popularity since 1986.
Tournaments are held in conference rooms of hotels and often in casinos associated with the hotel or the organizer.
Players usually get special group rates to stay in the hotel of the event. Often, casinos co-sponsor backgammon tournaments with added prize money.
These tournaments can be weekend events that start on a Thursday or Friday night and end Sunday night or even Monday night, if it is a holiday Monday.
There are some week-long events such as the World Championships. Week events might start with a Welcome Cocktail Party and then a Prize-Giving Ceremony Supper at the end.
For the players that attend these events it’s a lot about the social experience, friendship and camaraderie, sharing their passion for the oldest game in the world – Backgammon – long known as The King of Games and The Game of Kings.