Alexis Beuve

Full Name: Alexis Beuve

Date of birth: September 9, 1968

Birth Place: France

Current City of Residence: Paris

Marital Status: Married

Children: 1

Occupation: Project Manager

How I Started in Backgammon: a long time ago, in Jeux & Stratégie (magazine)

Book I have written:

– Translation in French of Backgammon by Paul Magriel

– L’illusion du hasard (Poker, 1997)

– Le poker, au-delà du hasard (2008)

As co-writer:

– Le langage des pierres (Go, with Motoki Nogichi 7 Dan), Competition Mah-Jong (with Stéphane Parcollet, president of the French Federation of Mah-Jong)

Backgammon Nickname: praxeo

Current Skill level: Advanced

Playing Backgammon live since: 1982

Favorite Tournament Venue: Monaco and yearly French Championship.

Other important finishes: I attended only the intermediate tournament of French Championship 2004. I am mainly a cash-game player!

Favorite Backgammon books: by Magriel or Robertie

Favorite Music: Classical and Techno

Favorite Film: Escalier C

Favorite Food: many

Other Interests & Hobbies: Golf

Favorite Celebrity: as gamers: François Tardieu (backgammon), Fabrice Soulier (poker), Motoki Noguchi (Go)

If I could change anything in the world, I would…: do my best, which I actually do.

If I could change anything in the Backgammon world, I would…: tell poker players to go back a little bit to backgammon