Daniel Pelton

Full Name: Daniel Pelton

Date of birth: July 9, 1955

Birth Place: Detroit, MI

Current City of Residence: Phoenix, AZ

Marital Status: Divorced

Occupation: Accountant

How I Started in Backgammon: I was taught the game while working at a Chevrolet plant assembly line by a co-worker who was originally from Syria.

Backgammon Nickname: Pegger (online) I started as a cribbage player.

Current Skill level: Intermediate to Advanced.

Playing Backgammon live since: Local and some ABT tournaments since 2005.

Favorite Tournament Venue: Novi, MI the Michigan Mid-Summer Championships which is near where the rest of my family lives.

Other important finishes:

– 2007 Finalist in Main Advanced Flight Colorado State Backgammon

– 2007 Championships Finalist in 2-Pt Quickies California State Backgammon Championships.

Favorite Backgammon book:

– Backgammon by Paul Magriel.

– Backgammon Boot Camp by Walter Trice.

– 501 Backgammon Problems by Bill Robertie.

Favorite author is Kit Woolsey for the clarity of his writing and explanations.

Favorite Music: Classic Rock, 60s and 70s.

Favorite Film(s): Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid, The Great Escape.

Favorite Food: Prime Rib of Beef.

Other Interests & Hobbies: Self-taught folk/rhythm guitar, Photography (Digital and 35mm SLRs), my 1993 Mazda Miata LE.

Person I’d like most to meet: Whover invented Backgammon, so I could thank him/her, but that is lost in the past.

Favorite Celebrity: Johnny Carson RIP.

Favorite living celebrity: is Paul Newman.

If I could change anything in the Backgammon world, I would… : have the people who play online for no money and get too serious about the game get a life!

Additional comments: I’m the director of the Phoenix Backgammon Club – USBL. I would like to see more clubs or opportunities for newer players to play where the emphasis is learning the game and becoming better players, rather than playing for money. The internet is a huge largely untapped resource of players; we need to bring these players to live backgammon events if our game is to grow.

Biggest Regret: That I was unaware of the Chicago Live Backgammon scene for the 7 years I lived in the Chicago suburbs. I’m sure my game would have improved much sooner.