Federico Toledo

Full Name: Federico Toledo

Date of birth: January 6, 1965

Birth Place: Naples (Italy)

Current City of Residence: Naples

Marital Status: Married

Children: Two daughters

Occupation: Fiscal Lawyer

How I Started in Backgammon: a friend taught me in 2002

Backgammon Nickname: sfizio or EU_IT_TOLED1

Current Skill level: Advanced

Playing Backgammon live since: 2003

Favorite Tournament Venue: Venice, Sorrento.

Titles won:

– 2004 Vallemaggia (Switzerland) Trophy, Winner Intermediate

– 2006 Città di Cavalese, Winner Championship Consolation,

– 2007 Rome Open, Winner Championship Main

– 2007 Campionato Regionale della Campania, Winner Main Championship

Other important finishes:

– 2005 Campionato Regionale della Campania, Championship Main Finalist

– 2006 Rome Open, Championship Main Semi-Finalist

– 2006 Sorrento Coast, Championship Main Semi-Finalist

– 2007 Venice Playoff Circuito Nazionale Backgammon “Player of the Year” Finalist

– 2007 Nova Gorica, Masters Consolation Finalist

– 2008 Torneo Castelli di Jesi, Championship Finalist

– 2008 Rome Open, Championship Main Semi-Finalist

Favorite Music: pop – rock

Favorite Film(s): Alfred Hitchcock movies

Favorite Food: pizza & spaghetti

Other Interests & Hobbies: Bridge, Othello, Soccer and Basketball

Person I’d like most to meet: Nelson Mandela

Favorite Celebrity: Sting

If I could change anything in the world, I would… mmm… too many things have to change

If I could change anything in the Backgammon world, I would… improve the number of players in backgammon live tournaments