Gregg Cattanach

Full Name: Gregg Cattanach

Date of birth: July 7,1956

Birth Place: Denver, Colorado

Current City of Residence: Atlanta, Georgia

Marital Status: Married

Occupation: Senior Programmer / Analyst

How I started playing Backgammon: On the Internet at MSN Zone in 1997

Backgammon Nickname: Zox

Current Skill level: Expert

Number of years playing Backgammon live: 8

Favorite Tournament Venue: Las Vegas

Titles won:

Championship Main Events:

– 2004 Florida, 2004 Charlotte, 2006 Florida, 2006 Chicago,

– Currently #8 all time on ABT list

Other important finishes:

Masters Jackpots 1st:

– 2003 & 2004 Minnesota, 2004 California, 2002 Charlotte

Masters Jackpots 2nd:

– 2006 Indiana, 2002 & 2006 Ohio, 2005 Atlanta

Championship Main Events:

Second Place

– 2003 Minnesota, 2005 & 2006 Indiana

1st Consolation

– 2003 Florida, 2003 Ohio, 2005 Atlanta.

Favorite Backgammon book: Modern Backgammon by Bill Robertie

Favorite Music: Classical, 70’s Rock

Favorite Film: Once Upon a Time in America

Favorite Food: Fried Chicken

Other Interests & Hobbies: Windsurfing, Hockey (spectator)

Person I’d like most to meet: Christina Ricci

Favorite Celebrity: Nicole Kidman

If I could change anything in the world, I would… end violence in the name of religion.

If I could change anything in the Backgammon world, I would… have 200 players come to my Atlanta tournament.

If you are the author of one or more backgammon books please type in their titles here:

– Online articles in GammonVillage, mainly 1-1/2 years of quiz problems.

– ABT tournament reports at