Josh Kessler

Full Name: Josh Kessler

Date of birth: September 8, 1971.

Birth Place: Miami, Florida

City of Residence: Florida

How I Started in Backgammon: With friends

Current Skill level: Beginner

Number of years playing Backgammon live: One year

Favorite Tournament Venue: Atlantis Bahamas Million

Titles won: 2006 King of the Kayes

Favorite Film: Pure Country

Favorite Music: Country

Favorite Food: Fillet

Other Interests & Hobbies: Hockey

Person I’d like most to meet: Osama Bin Laden so I could kick his ass.

Favorite Celebrity: Alec Baldwin

If I could change anything in the Backgammon world, I would… organize live backgammon in casinos.

If I could change anything in the world, I would… eliminate hatred, racism and envy.