Marcos Nahhas
Full Name: Marcos Nahhas
Date of Birth: 04 / 09 / 1976
Birth Place: Rosario (Santa Fe) – Argentina
Current City of Residence: Rosario (Santa Fe) – Argentina
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Merchant
How I Started in Backgammon: I started to play with my high school friends
Backgammon Nickname: menahhas
Current Skill Level: World Class
Playing Backgammon live since: 1995
Favorite Tournament Venue: Monte Carlo
Titles Won: I have played very few live tournaments, no major tournaments. I have also won some small tournaments in Buenos Aires.
Favorite Film: Braveheart
Favorite Food: Gnocchi
Other Interests & Hobbies: Boxing
Person I’d like most to meet: Floyd Mayweather
Favorite Celebrity: Jack Nicholson
If I could change anything in the world, I would eradicate hunger
If I could change anything in the Backgammon world, I would prohibit rude players – backgammon should be a gentleman’s game
Additional comments: I have played online backgammon for 10 years, 3 or 4 games a day, mostly money games, and analyze all games move by move. I love this game, I have become quite good at playing but I keep trying to improve every day