Mikael Nilsson
Full Name: Mikael Nilsson
Date of birth: October 25, 1972
Birth Place: Nacka, Sweden
Current City of Residence: Uppsala, Sweden
Marital Status: Married
Children: Three
Occupation: Chief Accountant
How I started playing Backgammon: Started to play online on MSN Gaming Zone when I got broadband and explored the web.
Backgammon Nickname: Online: Nale72, EU_SEc_Nale, Live: Sverker
Current Skill level: Advanced
Number of years playing Backgammon live: Six years
Favorite Tournament Venue: Nordic Open, Denmark
Titles won:
– 2008 Swedish Champion in Double Consultation with (Rizgar Kurdi)
– 2001 Swedish Open, Beginner, Main Winner
Favorite Backgammon books:
– New ideas in backgammon by Kit Woolsey and Hal Heinrich
– 501 Essential Backgammon Problems by Bill Robertie
Favorite Music: R’n’B and Hip Hop
Favorite Film: The Departed and Forrest Gump
Favorite Food: Chicken Tikka Masala
Other Interests & Hobbies: The family and golf
Person I’d like most to meet: The Swedish King
Favorite Celebrity: Beyoncé Knowles
If I could change anything in the world, I would… too much to choose from
If I could change anything in the Backgammon world, I would…lower the tournament buy-ins, which I believe would make more players try live backgammon, which would get them hooked.
Additional comments: If you are in Uppsala, Sweden on a Thursday, please come down to the weekly Thursday tournaments hosted by Uppsala Backgammon Club and join the fun. Read more at http://www.sbgf.se/ubgf.
And remember: there are two truths about life (and backgammon):
1. It will not turn out like you thought it would
2. It will not be fair