Phil Simborg

Full Name: Phil Simborg

Date of birth: December 7, 1944

Birth Place: Lincoln, Nebraska

City of Residence: Chicago, Ilinois

Marital Status: Married

Children: Four

Occupation: Backgammon Teacher

How I Started in Backgammon: Oswald Jacoby and I were playing Bridge; we took a break and he taught me.

Backgammon Nickname: Dicedancer

Current Skill level: – World Class

Number of years playing Backgammon live: 40

Favorite Tournament Venue: Backgammon to Lose

Titles won:

– Carolina Open

– Chicago Championship

– Illinois State Doubles

Other important finishes:

– Pittsburgh Open, 2nd Place

– Illinois Open Championships, First Consolation.

– Many semi-finals in Open Divisions.

Favorite Backgammon book(s): Can a Fish Taste Twice as Good? – by Jake Jacobs & Walter Trice.

Favorite Film(s): The Ruling Class, Ishtar, Where’s Papa?, Harold and Maude, Flim Flam Man, Bedazzled, That Man From Rio, Moulin Rouge

Favorite Music: Soft

Favorite Food: BBQ Ribs

Other Interests & Hobbies: Bridge, Gin Rummy, Racquetball, Tennis, Quantum Mechanics, Weight Lifting, Writing, Skiing, Golf, knitting.

Person I’d like most to meet: Steven Hawking

Favorite Celebrity: Ashley Judd

If I could change anything in the Backgammon world, I would… have a universal point system like Bridge; have a worldwide organization that truly promoted the game; have a fund to provide money to teach children and get them involved.

If I could change anything in the world, I would… eliminate religion.

Additional comments: Backgammon tournaments need to be less about the money and more about winning points and prestige. The money can be on side pools for those who want more action. We need to make the game more accessible and fun for the non-gamblers who simply enjoy the game intellectually. We need to make the game more accessible to children, and host more children’s events, and make it easy and inexpensive for them to compete at tournaments