Renato Sovani

Full Name: Renato Sovani

Date of birth: Augoust 13, 1968

Birth Place: Magenta, Milano, Italy

Current City of Residence: Sesto San Giovanni, Milano

Marital Status: Single

Occupation: Computer Science Consultant

How I started playing Backgammon: I went for holidays to Greece back in 1989 and I started playing “Tavli” at one of the many bars in front of the beach.

Current Skill level: Advanced (I hope)

Number of years playing Backgammon live: 5 years

Favorite Tournament Venue: WBF Caribbean Open

Titles won:

– 2003, 15th WBF European Championship, Main winner and European Champion Intermediate

– 2006, Torneo Città di Torino, Main Winner Champion

Other important finishes:

– 2006, 9th Austrian Backgammon Open, Last chance winner Intermediate

– 2006, Torneo Milano Open, Semi Finalist main champion

Favorite Music: Acid Jazz, rock, pop

Favorite Film: The Blues Brothers

Favorite Food: All Italian food

Other Interests & Hobbies: Basketball, soccer, cooking

If I could change anything in the world, I would…
Stop all the wars