Ric Gerace

Full Name: Ric Gerace

Date of birth: December,1944

Birth Place: Rhode Island

Current City of Residence: Falmouth, on Cape Cod

Marital Status: Blissfully single. Okay, maybe not so blissful. But it’s not bad. Got books. Got cats. Got email. Got an electric blanket.

Children: Jeez, I hope not.

Occupation: Writer, reader, erstwhile philosopher, sometime humorist

How I Started in Backgammon: There was this girl, see. …

Backgammon Nickname: How about Conan the Cubearian?

Current Skill Level: Advanmediate.

Number of years playing Backgammon live: Since 1980

Favorite Tournament Venue: The Skull and Puppy Tavern, down off Main Street, in that little alley where citizens dare not tread.

Titles won: I only wish!!

Other important finishes: Umm, does never disgracing
myself count?

Favorite Backgammon book: Magriel’s Backgammon, for its clarity.

Favorite Music: Sixties and Seventies Rock. Classical.

Favorite Film(s):

– Casablanca (I still get teary when they play the Marseillaise in the Cafe).

– The Third Man (the closing scene just blows me away).

– Serenity (a totally appealing ensemble cast in a good

Favorite Food: Coffee.

Other Interests & Hobbies: Cats. Computers. Languages. Philosophy. History.

Person I’d like most to meet: A woman who’s pretty, intelligent, funny, and crazy about me. And who plays backgammon

Favorite Celebrity: Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris.

If I could change anything in the world, I would… Rid the US of Bush, Cheney, the whole neocon crew and most of the Republican party, and make them stand in the sands of Iraq and apologize to every last Iraqi personally. Then they can apologize to every American, and then they can go serve their multiple life sentences in solitary dungeons in the bowels of Uzbekistan.

If I could change anything in the Backgammon world, I would… Make it as popular as baseball and NFL football, but make sure it never becomes as boring as they are. Well, okay, it can’t ever be that boring. Nothing could be that boring. Except maybe golf.

Additional comments: It was a dark and stormy night when I
was born. My first words were ‘Call me Ishmael’, and it was then that my parents sent me to the Institution.

If you are the author of one or more backgammon books please type in their titles here: Nope, just off-the-wall humor on the periphery of backgammon’s world. I do have an unpublished detective novel, about revenge and murder most annoying, with a character who plays backgammon online a lot. Not really a backgammon book, I suppose. But its heart is in the right place. Sort of