Yancho Hristov
Full Name: Yancho Hristov (R in photo)
Date of birth: May 15,1986.
Birth Place: Sunny Beach (Bulgaria)
City of Residence: Sunny Beach/Bourgas/Saint Vlas
Marital Status: Waiting for Adriana Lima
Occupation: Student
How I Started in Backgammon: A friend invited me to play backgammon at Yahoo Games.
Backgammon Nickname: IanchoHr, Hannibal, LecterHannibal, Lecter, TINKI_WINKI, coccolino, I_ NEED_MONEY
Current Skill level: Expert without much live experience
Number of years playing Backgammon live: almost 1 year
Favourite Tournament Venue: It will probably be the Monte Carlo World Championship, when I win it 🙂 For now it’s the Indiana Open 🙂
Titles won:
– 2006 Indiana Open (Advanced) Consolation Winner
Favourite Backgammon books:
– Modern Backgammon by Bill Robertie
– Backgammon Boot Camp by Walter Trice
– Improve Your Backgammon by Paul Lamford, Simon Gasquoine
– Backgammon Praxis by Marty Storer
Favourite Film(s): Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal and Hannibal Rising.
Favourite Music: Retro, Classic… Richard Marx-Hazard
Favourite Food: Spaghetti
Other Interests & Hobbies: All kind of sports – Soccer, Basket, Tennis as well as winter sports.
Person I’d like most to meet: Adriana Lima, Anna Beatriz, Matvey ‘Falafel’ Natanzon, Francois Tardieu and Sander Lyllof.
Favourite Celebrity: Anthony Hopkins
If I could change anything in the Backgammon world, I would… change the money play side of the game to make it more of a sport 🙂
If I could change anything in the world, I would… make backgammon more popular then soccer 🙂
P.S. My name is Iancho but translates to Yancho in English.